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Forbidden Memories DB

Meadow Mage

Cards that Meadow Mage gives:

Dark MagicianS/A POW46/2048
Gaia the Fierce KnightS/A POW46/2048
Curse of DragonS/A POW46/2048
Crawling DragonS/A POW20/2048
Kaminari AttackS/A POW20/2048
Skull KnightS/A POW20/2048
Meteor DragonS/A POW20/2048
Meteor B. DragonS/A POW20/2048
Spellbinding CircleS/A TEC64/2048
Crawling DragonB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Kaminari AttackB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Meteor DragonB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Shadow SpecterS/A POW150/2048
Weather ControlS/A POW90/2048
Jinzo #7S/A POW88/2048
White DolphinS/A POW88/2048
KorogashiS/A POW88/2048
Muka MukaS/A POW88/2048
Wretched Ghost of the AtticS/A POW88/2048
SogenS/A POW60/2048
Koumori DragonS/A POW46/2048
Celtic GuardianS/A POW46/2048
GrifforeS/A POW46/2048
TorikeS/A POW46/2048
SanganS/A POW46/2048
Mammoth GraveyardS/A POW46/2048
Silver FangS/A POW46/2048
Giant Soldier of StoneS/A POW46/2048
Catapult TurtleS/A POW46/2048
Mystical ElfS/A POW44/2048
Feral ImpS/A POW44/2048
Blackland Fire DragonS/A POW44/2048
Horn ImpS/A POW44/2048
Beaver WarriorS/A POW44/2048
Zombie WarriorS/A POW44/2048
Doma the Angel of SilenceS/A POW20/2048
YashinokiS/A POW20/2048
OcubeamS/A POW20/2048
Giant Mech-soldierS/A POW20/2048
Metal DragonS/A POW20/2048
Deepsea SharkS/A POW20/2048
Bottom DwellerS/A POW20/2048
Vermillion SparrowS/A POW20/2048
PragticalS/A POW20/2048
Flower WolfS/A POW20/2048
Bracchio-raidusS/A POW20/2048
SkullbirdS/A POW20/2048
Kwagar HerculesS/A POW20/2048
MisairuzameS/A POW20/2048
Steel Ogre Grotto #1S/A POW20/2048
Warrior of TraditionS/A POW20/2048
TrentS/A POW20/2048
Winged TrumpeterS/A POW20/2048
Firewing PegasusS/A POW20/2048
Right Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A POW10/2048
Toon AlligatorS/A POW2/2048
Shadow SpecterS/A TEC150/2048
Weather ControlS/A TEC90/2048
Jinzo #7S/A TEC88/2048
Turu-PurunS/A TEC84/2048
White DolphinS/A TEC80/2048
KorogashiS/A TEC80/2048
Muka MukaS/A TEC80/2048
Wretched Ghost of the AtticS/A TEC80/2048
Legendary SwordS/A TEC64/2048
Horn of LightS/A TEC64/2048
Horn of the UnicornS/A TEC64/2048
SogenS/A TEC64/2048
Dark HoleS/A TEC64/2048
Final FlameS/A TEC64/2048
House of Adhesive TapeS/A TEC64/2048
EatgaboonS/A TEC64/2048
Mystical ElfS/A TEC46/2048
Feral ImpS/A TEC46/2048
Blackland Fire DragonS/A TEC46/2048
Horn ImpS/A TEC46/2048
Beaver WarriorS/A TEC46/2048
Zombie WarriorS/A TEC46/2048
Koumori DragonS/A TEC46/2048
Celtic GuardianS/A TEC46/2048
GrifforeS/A TEC46/2048
TorikeS/A TEC46/2048
SanganS/A TEC46/2048
Mammoth GraveyardS/A TEC46/2048
Silver FangS/A TEC46/2048
Commencement DanceS/A TEC32/2048
Hamburger RecipeS/A TEC32/2048
Fake TrapS/A TEC32/2048
Mask of DarknessS/A TEC20/2048
YashinokiS/A TEC20/2048
Right Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A TEC4/2048
Toon AlligatorS/A TEC2/2048
Shadow SpecterB/C/D POW/TEC178/2048
Weather ControlB/C/D POW/TEC100/2048
Jinzo #7B/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
White DolphinB/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
Turu-PurunB/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
KorogashiB/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
Muka MukaB/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
Wretched Ghost of the AtticB/C/D POW/TEC96/2048
SogenB/C/D POW/TEC66/2048
Mystical ElfB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Feral ImpB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Blackland Fire DragonB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Horn ImpB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Beaver WarriorB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Zombie WarriorB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Koumori DragonB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Celtic GuardianB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
GrifforeB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
TorikeB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
SanganB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Mammoth GraveyardB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Silver FangB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Catapult TurtleB/C/D POW/TEC50/2048
Mask of DarknessB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Doma the Angel of SilenceB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
YashinokiB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
OcubeamB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Giant Mech-soldierB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Metal DragonB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Deepsea SharkB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Bottom DwellerB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Vermillion SparrowB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
PragticalB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Flower WolfB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
MisairuzameB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Steel Ogre Grotto #1B/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
TrentB/C/D POW/TEC22/2048
Right Arm of the Forbidden OneB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
SkullbirdB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Kwagar HerculesB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Warrior of TraditionB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Winged TrumpeterB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Toon AlligatorB/C/D POW/TEC2/2048
Firewing PegasusB/C/D POW/TEC2/2048