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Forbidden Memories DB

677: Hamburger Recipe
Hamburger Recipe
677-Hamburger Recipe
A card with the ingredients for making a delicious hamburger. ("Battle Steer" + "Bio Plant" + "Griggle")

Card Name:Hamburger Recipe
Starchip Cost:50

A card with the ingredients for making a delicious hamburger. ("Battle Steer" + "Bio Plant" + "Griggle")

Card Number:0080811661

NPCs that give Hamburger Recipe

KaibaS/A TEC40/2048
Weevil UnderwoodS/A TEC32/2048
PegasusS/A TEC32/2048
Meadow MageS/A TEC32/2048
DarkNiteS/A TEC24/2048
Simon MuranS/A TEC20/2048
Jono 2S/A TEC20/2048
Simon MuranB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
JonoB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
SetoB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
SetoS/A TEC18/2048
Forest MageS/A TEC18/2048
JonoS/A TEC16/2048
Villager 1S/A TEC12/2048
Yami BakuraS/A TEC8/2048
Mountain MageS/A TEC8/2048
Seto 3rdS/A TEC8/2048