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Forbidden Memories DB

High Mage Martis

Cards that High Mage Martis gives:

Dragon ZombieS/A POW12/2048
ZoaS/A POW12/2048
Bolt PenguinS/A POW12/2048
Electric SnakeS/A POW12/2048
Dragon ZombieS/A TEC12/2048
Bolt PenguinS/A TEC10/2048
Electric SnakeS/A TEC10/2048
Dragon ZombieB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Bolt PenguinB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Electric SnakeB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
WastelandS/A POW30/2048
Ryu-kishinS/A POW26/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownS/A POW25/2048
SanganS/A POW25/2048
White Magical HatS/A POW25/2048
Flame ManipulatorS/A POW25/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordS/A POW25/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindS/A POW25/2048
Dark King of the AbyssS/A POW25/2048
Dark PrisonerS/A POW25/2048
Ancient BrainS/A POW25/2048
Claw ReacherS/A POW25/2048
Dark ShadeS/A POW25/2048
AkakieisuS/A POW25/2048
AngelwitchS/A POW24/2048
Versago the DestroyerS/A POW24/2048
Gorgon EggS/A POW24/2048
King FogS/A POW24/2048
Bio PlantS/A POW24/2048
La Jinn the Mystical GenieS/A POW24/2048
Lady of FaithS/A POW24/2048
Hitotsu-me GiantS/A POW12/2048
Baby DragonS/A POW12/2048
Feral ImpS/A POW12/2048
The Wicked Worm BeastS/A POW12/2048
Horn ImpS/A POW12/2048
Battle OxS/A POW12/2048
Mountain WarriorS/A POW12/2048
Judge ManS/A POW12/2048
Dragon PiperS/A POW12/2048
Illusionist Faceless MageS/A POW12/2048
Rogue DollS/A POW12/2048
TorikeS/A POW12/2048
Mammoth GraveyardS/A POW12/2048
WolfS/A POW12/2048
Silver FangS/A POW12/2048
GrapplerS/A POW12/2048
Castle of Dark IllusionsS/A POW12/2048
Reaper of the CardsS/A POW12/2048
King of YamimakaiS/A POW12/2048
BaroxS/A POW12/2048
Dark ChimeraS/A POW12/2048
Metal GuardianS/A POW12/2048
Gyakutenno MegamiS/A POW12/2048
Mystic HorsemanS/A POW12/2048
Crass ClownS/A POW12/2048
Battle WarriorS/A POW12/2048
Job-change MirrorS/A POW12/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesS/A POW12/2048
Spirit of the WindsS/A POW12/2048
Graveyard and the Hand of InvitationS/A POW12/2048
Dark GrayS/A POW12/2048
Kamion WizardS/A POW12/2048
Nightmare ScorpionS/A POW12/2048
Supporter in the ShadowsS/A POW12/2048
Trial of NightmaresS/A POW12/2048
NemurikoS/A POW12/2048
Charubin the Fire KnightS/A POW12/2048
Witty PhantomS/A POW12/2048
Dragon StatueS/A POW12/2048
Blue-eyed Silver ZombieS/A POW12/2048
Toad MasterS/A POW12/2048
Spiked SnailS/A POW12/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefS/A POW12/2048
The Shadow Who Controls the DarkS/A POW12/2048
Lord of the LampS/A POW12/2048
LarvasS/A POW12/2048
Tainted WisdomS/A POW12/2048
Lord of ZemiaS/A POW12/2048
Big EyeS/A POW12/2048
ArmaillS/A POW12/2048
HurricailS/A POW12/2048
MonsturtleS/A POW12/2048
Phantom DewanS/A POW12/2048
ArlownayS/A POW12/2048
Lucky TrinketS/A POW12/2048
GeninS/A POW12/2048
SyncharS/A POW12/2048
FusionistS/A POW12/2048
Terra the TerribleS/A POW12/2048
Penguin KnightS/A POW12/2048
MabarrelS/A POW12/2048
DoroverS/A POW12/2048
Twin Long Rods #1S/A POW12/2048
Aqua MadoorS/A POW12/2048
Flame GhostS/A POW12/2048
Two-mouth DarkrulerS/A POW12/2048
Masked SorcererS/A POW12/2048
Midnight FiendS/A POW12/2048
Trap MasterS/A POW12/2048
Skull StalkerS/A POW12/2048
Wood RemainsS/A POW12/2048
Wood ClownS/A POW12/2048
Madjinn GunnS/A POW12/2048
Dark Titan of TerrorS/A POW12/2048
Vishwar RandiS/A POW12/2048
The DrdekS/A POW12/2048
Candle of FateS/A POW12/2048
Water ElementS/A POW12/2048
DissolverockS/A POW12/2048
Meda BatS/A POW12/2048
Root WaterS/A POW12/2048
HyoS/A POW12/2048
Embryonic BeastS/A POW12/2048
Stone ArmadillerS/A POW12/2048
Ancient SorcererS/A POW12/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimS/A POW12/2048
Wicked MirrorS/A POW12/2048
Wing Egg ElfS/A POW12/2048
Princess of TsurugiS/A POW12/2048
Sectarian of SecretsS/A POW12/2048
WethaS/A POW12/2048
Megirus LightS/A POW12/2048
Ray & TemperatureS/A POW12/2048
Mystical Sheep #2S/A POW12/2048
HolograhS/A POW12/2048
One-eyed Shield DragonS/A POW12/2048
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz HeadS/A POW12/2048
Ushi OniS/A POW12/2048
Blast JugglerS/A POW12/2048
Waterdragon FairyS/A POW12/2048
Aqua SnakeS/A POW12/2048
Soul HunterS/A POW12/2048
Air EaterS/A POW12/2048
AlinsectionS/A POW12/2048
Insect Soldiers of the SkyS/A POW12/2048
Cockroach KnightS/A POW12/2048
BurglarS/A POW12/2048
Boo KooS/A POW12/2048
Needle BallS/A POW12/2048
Dragon SeekerS/A POW12/2048
Turtle RaccoonS/A POW12/2048
Neck HunterS/A POW12/2048
MinarS/A POW12/2048
NiwatoriS/A POW12/2048
AnthrosaurusS/A POW12/2048
Drooling LizardS/A POW12/2048
Little DS/A POW12/2048
Mechanical SnailS/A POW12/2048
Beaked SnakeS/A POW12/2048
Liquid BeastS/A POW12/2048
Hiro's Shadow ScoutS/A POW12/2048
Whiptail CrowS/A POW12/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A POW6/2048
SwordstalkerS/A POW6/2048
Contruct of MaskS/A TEC36/2048
Puppet RitualS/A TEC36/2048
WastelandS/A TEC32/2048
Ryu-kishinS/A TEC25/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownS/A TEC25/2048
SanganS/A TEC25/2048
White Magical HatS/A TEC25/2048
Flame ManipulatorS/A TEC25/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordS/A TEC25/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindS/A TEC25/2048
Dark King of the AbyssS/A TEC25/2048
Dark PrisonerS/A TEC25/2048
Ancient BrainS/A TEC25/2048
Claw ReacherS/A TEC25/2048
Dark ShadeS/A TEC25/2048
AkakieisuS/A TEC25/2048
Malevolent NuzzlerS/A TEC25/2048
Book of Secret ArtsS/A TEC25/2048
OokaziS/A TEC25/2048
Commencement DanceS/A TEC25/2048
EatgaboonS/A TEC25/2048
Bear TrapS/A TEC25/2048
Invisible WireS/A TEC25/2048
Goblin FanS/A TEC25/2048
Bad Reaction to SimochiS/A TEC25/2048
Dark EnergyS/A TEC24/2048
AngelwitchS/A TEC20/2048
Versago the DestroyerS/A TEC20/2048
Gorgon EggS/A TEC20/2048
King FogS/A TEC20/2048
Bio PlantS/A TEC20/2048
La Jinn the Mystical GenieS/A TEC20/2048
Lady of FaithS/A TEC20/2048
Hitotsu-me GiantS/A TEC12/2048
Baby DragonS/A TEC12/2048
Feral ImpS/A TEC12/2048
The Wicked Worm BeastS/A TEC12/2048
Horn ImpS/A TEC12/2048
Battle OxS/A TEC12/2048
Mountain WarriorS/A TEC12/2048
Dragon PiperS/A TEC12/2048
Illusionist Faceless MageS/A TEC12/2048
Rogue DollS/A TEC12/2048
TorikeS/A TEC12/2048
Mammoth GraveyardS/A TEC12/2048
WolfS/A TEC12/2048
Silver FangS/A TEC12/2048
GrapplerS/A TEC12/2048
Castle of Dark IllusionsS/A TEC12/2048
BaroxS/A TEC12/2048
Mystic HorsemanS/A TEC12/2048
Crass ClownS/A TEC12/2048
Battle WarriorS/A TEC12/2048
Job-change MirrorS/A TEC12/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesS/A TEC12/2048
Graveyard and the Hand of InvitationS/A TEC12/2048
Dark GrayS/A TEC12/2048
Kamion WizardS/A TEC12/2048
Nightmare ScorpionS/A TEC12/2048
Supporter in the ShadowsS/A TEC12/2048
Trial of NightmaresS/A TEC12/2048
NemurikoS/A TEC12/2048
Charubin the Fire KnightS/A TEC12/2048
Witty PhantomS/A TEC12/2048
Dragon StatueS/A TEC12/2048
Blue-eyed Silver ZombieS/A TEC12/2048
Toad MasterS/A TEC12/2048
Spiked SnailS/A TEC12/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefS/A TEC12/2048
The Shadow Who Controls the DarkS/A TEC12/2048
Lord of the LampS/A TEC12/2048
LarvasS/A TEC12/2048
Tainted WisdomS/A TEC12/2048
Lord of ZemiaS/A TEC12/2048
Big EyeS/A TEC12/2048
ArmaillS/A TEC12/2048
HurricailS/A TEC12/2048
MonsturtleS/A TEC12/2048
Phantom DewanS/A TEC12/2048
ArlownayS/A TEC12/2048
Lucky TrinketS/A TEC12/2048
GeninS/A TEC12/2048
SyncharS/A TEC12/2048
FusionistS/A TEC12/2048
Terra the TerribleS/A TEC12/2048
Penguin KnightS/A TEC12/2048
DoroverS/A TEC12/2048
Twin Long Rods #1S/A TEC12/2048
Flame GhostS/A TEC12/2048
Two-mouth DarkrulerS/A TEC12/2048
Masked SorcererS/A TEC12/2048
Midnight FiendS/A TEC12/2048
Trap MasterS/A TEC12/2048
Skull StalkerS/A TEC12/2048
Wood RemainsS/A TEC10/2048
Wood ClownS/A TEC10/2048
Madjinn GunnS/A TEC10/2048
Dark Titan of TerrorS/A TEC10/2048
Vishwar RandiS/A TEC10/2048
The DrdekS/A TEC10/2048
Candle of FateS/A TEC10/2048
Water ElementS/A TEC10/2048
DissolverockS/A TEC10/2048
Meda BatS/A TEC10/2048
Root WaterS/A TEC10/2048
HyoS/A TEC10/2048
Embryonic BeastS/A TEC10/2048
Stone ArmadillerS/A TEC10/2048
Ancient SorcererS/A TEC10/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimS/A TEC10/2048
Wicked MirrorS/A TEC10/2048
Wing Egg ElfS/A TEC10/2048
Princess of TsurugiS/A TEC10/2048
Sectarian of SecretsS/A TEC10/2048
WethaS/A TEC10/2048
Megirus LightS/A TEC10/2048
Ray & TemperatureS/A TEC10/2048
Mystical Sheep #2S/A TEC10/2048
HolograhS/A TEC10/2048
One-eyed Shield DragonS/A TEC10/2048
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz HeadS/A TEC10/2048
Blast JugglerS/A TEC10/2048
Waterdragon FairyS/A TEC10/2048
Aqua SnakeS/A TEC10/2048
AlinsectionS/A TEC10/2048
Insect Soldiers of the SkyS/A TEC10/2048
Cockroach KnightS/A TEC10/2048
BurglarS/A TEC10/2048
Boo KooS/A TEC10/2048
Needle BallS/A TEC10/2048
Turtle RaccoonS/A TEC10/2048
MinarS/A TEC10/2048
NiwatoriS/A TEC10/2048
AnthrosaurusS/A TEC10/2048
Drooling LizardS/A TEC10/2048
Little DS/A TEC10/2048
Mechanical SnailS/A TEC10/2048
Beaked SnakeS/A TEC10/2048
Liquid BeastS/A TEC10/2048
Hiro's Shadow ScoutS/A TEC10/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A TEC6/2048
WastelandB/C/D POW/TEC34/2048
Contruct of MaskB/C/D POW/TEC34/2048
Puppet RitualB/C/D POW/TEC34/2048
Ryu-kishinB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
SanganB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
White Magical HatB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Flame ManipulatorB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Dark King of the AbyssB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Dark PrisonerB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Ancient BrainB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Claw ReacherB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
Dark ShadeB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
AkakieisuB/C/D POW/TEC26/2048
AngelwitchB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
Versago the DestroyerB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
Gorgon EggB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
King FogB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
Bio PlantB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
La Jinn the Mystical GenieB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
Lady of FaithB/C/D POW/TEC24/2048
EatgaboonB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
Bear TrapB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
Goblin FanB/C/D POW/TEC18/2048
Hitotsu-me GiantB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Baby DragonB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Feral ImpB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
The Wicked Worm BeastB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Horn ImpB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Battle OxB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Mountain WarriorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Dragon PiperB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Illusionist Faceless MageB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Rogue DollB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
TorikeB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Mammoth GraveyardB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
WolfB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Silver FangB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
GrapplerB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Castle of Dark IllusionsB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
BaroxB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Dark ChimeraB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Mystic HorsemanB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Crass ClownB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Battle WarriorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Job-change MirrorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Spirit of the WindsB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Graveyard and the Hand of InvitationB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Dark GrayB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Kamion WizardB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Nightmare ScorpionB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Supporter in the ShadowsB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Trial of NightmaresB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
NemurikoB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Charubin the Fire KnightB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Witty PhantomB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Dragon StatueB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Blue-eyed Silver ZombieB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Toad MasterB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Spiked SnailB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
The Shadow Who Controls the DarkB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Lord of the LampB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
LarvasB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Tainted WisdomB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Lord of ZemiaB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Big EyeB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
ArmaillB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
HurricailB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
MonsturtleB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Phantom DewanB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
ArlownayB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Lucky TrinketB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
GeninB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
SyncharB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
FusionistB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Terra the TerribleB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Penguin KnightB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
MabarrelB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
DoroverB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Twin Long Rods #1B/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Aqua MadoorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Flame GhostB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Two-mouth DarkrulerB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Masked SorcererB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Midnight FiendB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Trap MasterB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Skull StalkerB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Wood RemainsB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Wood ClownB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Madjinn GunnB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Dark Titan of TerrorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Vishwar RandiB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
The DrdekB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Candle of FateB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Water ElementB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
DissolverockB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Meda BatB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Root WaterB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
HyoB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Embryonic BeastB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Stone ArmadillerB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Ancient SorcererB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Wicked MirrorB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Wing Egg ElfB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Princess of TsurugiB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Sectarian of SecretsB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
WethaB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Megirus LightB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Ray & TemperatureB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Mystical Sheep #2B/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
HolograhB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
One-eyed Shield DragonB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz HeadB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Blast JugglerB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Waterdragon FairyB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Aqua SnakeB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
AlinsectionB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Insect Soldiers of the SkyB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Cockroach KnightB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
BurglarB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Boo KooB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Needle BallB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Turtle RaccoonB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
MinarB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
NiwatoriB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
AnthrosaurusB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Drooling LizardB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Little DB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Mechanical SnailB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Beaked SnakeB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Liquid BeastB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Hiro's Shadow ScoutB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Whiptail CrowB/C/D POW/TEC12/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneB/C/D POW/TEC6/2048