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Forbidden Memories DB

High Mage Secmenton

Cards that High Mage Secmenton gives:

Labyrinth WallS/A POW25/2048
Thunder DragonS/A POW25/2048
Parrot DragonS/A POW2/2048
Crush CardS/A TEC2/2048
Labyrinth WallB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Thunder DragonB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Illusionist Faceless MageS/A POW52/2048
Spirit of the WindsS/A POW52/2048
Orion the Battle KingS/A POW52/2048
Aqua MadoorS/A POW52/2048
Winged Egg of New LifeS/A POW52/2048
UmiS/A POW30/2048
Mystical ElfS/A POW25/2048
Swamp BattleguardS/A POW25/2048
Battle SteerS/A POW25/2048
Flame SwordsmanS/A POW25/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownS/A POW25/2048
Rogue DollS/A POW25/2048
GaroozisS/A POW25/2048
Kairyu-ShinS/A POW25/2048
Giant Soldier of StoneS/A POW25/2048
Reaper of the CardsS/A POW25/2048
Dark ChimeraS/A POW25/2048
Metal GuardianS/A POW25/2048
Catapult TurtleS/A POW25/2048
Gyakutenno MegamiS/A POW25/2048
ZankiS/A POW25/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesS/A POW25/2048
Goddess with the Third EyeS/A POW25/2048
White Magical HatS/A POW25/2048
Kamion WizardS/A POW25/2048
Ancient ToolS/A POW25/2048
NemurikoS/A POW25/2048
Weather ControlS/A POW25/2048
OctoberserS/A POW25/2048
Mystical Capture ChainS/A POW25/2048
Flame ManipulatorS/A POW25/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordS/A POW25/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindS/A POW25/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefS/A POW25/2048
AkihironS/A POW25/2048
Spirit of the HarpS/A POW25/2048
HurricailS/A POW25/2048
Phantom DewanS/A POW25/2048
Lucky TrinketS/A POW25/2048
GeninS/A POW25/2048
AkakieisuS/A POW25/2048
Happy LoverS/A POW25/2048
MabarrelS/A POW25/2048
Petit AngelS/A POW25/2048
Masked SorcererS/A POW25/2048
Hourglass of LifeS/A POW25/2048
AngelwitchS/A POW25/2048
Ancient SorcererS/A POW25/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimS/A POW25/2048
Wing Egg ElfS/A POW25/2048
Sectarian of SecretsS/A POW25/2048
Ray & TemperatureS/A POW25/2048
GatekeeperS/A POW25/2048
Monster TamerS/A POW25/2048
Emperor of the Land and SeaS/A POW25/2048
LeogunS/A POW25/2048
Cyber SoldierS/A POW25/2048
Mech BassS/A POW25/2048
Wing EagleS/A POW25/2048
Queen BirdS/A POW25/2048
Boo KooS/A POW25/2048
PeacockS/A POW25/2048
HoshiningenS/A POW25/2048
Cyber SaurusS/A POW25/2048
Guardian of the Throne RoomS/A POW25/2048
TogexS/A POW25/2048
SkelengelS/A POW25/2048
Dark WitchS/A POW25/2048
Binding ChainS/A POW25/2048
TendernessS/A POW25/2048
Shining FriendshipS/A POW25/2048
Lady of FaithS/A POW25/2048
Queen of Autumn LeavesS/A POW25/2048
Whiptail CrowS/A POW25/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A POW6/2048
Yamadron RitualS/A TEC64/2048
UmiS/A TEC48/2048
Mystical Capture ChainS/A TEC44/2048
Flame ManipulatorS/A TEC44/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordS/A TEC44/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindS/A TEC44/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefS/A TEC44/2048
Spirit of the HarpS/A TEC44/2048
HurricailS/A TEC44/2048
Phantom DewanS/A TEC44/2048
Lucky TrinketS/A TEC44/2048
GeninS/A TEC44/2048
AkakieisuS/A TEC44/2048
Happy LoverS/A TEC44/2048
Petit AngelS/A TEC44/2048
Masked SorcererS/A TEC44/2048
Hourglass of LifeS/A TEC44/2048
AngelwitchS/A TEC44/2048
Ancient SorcererS/A TEC44/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimS/A TEC44/2048
Wing Egg ElfS/A TEC44/2048
Sectarian of SecretsS/A TEC44/2048
Ray & TemperatureS/A TEC44/2048
Boo KooS/A TEC44/2048
HoshiningenS/A TEC44/2048
SkelengelS/A TEC44/2048
Binding ChainS/A TEC44/2048
TendernessS/A TEC44/2048
Shining FriendshipS/A TEC44/2048
Lady of FaithS/A TEC44/2048
Mystical ElfS/A TEC42/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownS/A TEC42/2048
Rogue DollS/A TEC42/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesS/A TEC42/2048
Goddess with the Third EyeS/A TEC42/2048
White Magical HatS/A TEC42/2048
Kamion WizardS/A TEC42/2048
NemurikoS/A TEC42/2048
Weather ControlS/A TEC42/2048
Black PendantS/A TEC32/2048
Silver Bow and ArrowS/A TEC32/2048
Book of Secret ArtsS/A TEC32/2048
Dark-piercing LightS/A TEC32/2048
Warrior EliminationS/A TEC32/2048
Curse of Millennium ShieldS/A TEC32/2048
Harpie's Feather DusterS/A TEC32/2048
Invisible WireS/A TEC32/2048
Acid Trap HoleS/A TEC32/2048
Bad Reaction to SimochiS/A TEC32/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneS/A TEC4/2048
Spirit of the WindsB/C/D POW/TEC76/2048
Aqua MadoorB/C/D POW/TEC76/2048
Winged Egg of New LifeB/C/D POW/TEC76/2048
UmiB/C/D POW/TEC48/2048
Battle SteerB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
Dark ChimeraB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
Catapult TurtleB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
ZankiB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
Ancient ToolB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
OctoberserB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
AkihironB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
MabarrelB/C/D POW/TEC35/2048
Mystical ElfB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Saggi the Dark ClownB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Rogue DollB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Curtain of the Dark OnesB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Goddess with the Third EyeB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
White Magical HatB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Kamion WizardB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
NemurikoB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Weather ControlB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Mystical Capture ChainB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Flame ManipulatorB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Necrolancer the TimelordB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Djinn the Watcher of the WindB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
The Bewitching Phantom ThiefB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Spirit of the HarpB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
HurricailB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Phantom DewanB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Lucky TrinketB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
GeninB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
AkakieisuB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Happy LoverB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Petit AngelB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Masked SorcererB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Hourglass of LifeB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
AngelwitchB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Ancient SorcererB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Lunar Queen ElzaimB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Wing Egg ElfB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Sectarian of SecretsB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Ray & TemperatureB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Cyber SoldierB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Queen BirdB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Boo KooB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
PeacockB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
HoshiningenB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Cyber SaurusB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Guardian of the Throne RoomB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
SkelengelB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Binding ChainB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
TendernessB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Shining FriendshipB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Lady of FaithB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Whiptail CrowB/C/D POW/TEC33/2048
Left Arm of the Forbidden OneB/C/D POW/TEC7/2048